Wednesday, August 24, 2011


You made it through your first day of 4th grade!!! :) This morning flew by, didn't it?! We only covered half of what I had planned to do, so it's a good thing we have a full day of school tomorrow! :)

I will meet you outside on the black top again. We'll be having a short "Back to School" assembly after we take attendance and lunch count. Hopefully you'll get to meet with Mrs. Opitz for music afterward. Then Ms. Csensich is going to talk to you about lunchroom procedures. After we finish organizing our desks, we will do some "get to know you" activities and set some goals for the year.

Don't forget to give the Parent Night flyer and letter to your parents. Make sure you do your homework; I can't wait to take your quiz that you created! Oh, and don't forget to pack a healthy snack for yourself!

I had a lot of fun taking pictures of you outside and around the classroom today. Thanks for being such good models for me, especially those of you who had to do some silly "poses". The pictures turned out so nicely! :) Please enjoy the video slideshow of our first day. I am looking forward to a GREAT year with you!

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